2012年8月16日 星期四

[示範] 踢踏即興割喉戰 Cutting Contest Demo

It's Battle Time! 風行踢踏界的Cutting Contest,是踢踏人單挑的最佳舞台! 2012 台北踢踏節將首度舉辦-踢踏即興割喉戰!

想小試身腳?用螢光筆大大的圈下8/26(日),當天下午6點將在舞工廠studio 112 準時開戰!抱著一定要將價值破萬的優勝獎金+獎品入手的戰鬥力,來!就對了!!!

*優勝者獲頒So Danca 專業款愛心鞋 (市價9,000),以及現場所有入場費($100/人)獎金
It's Battle Time! Cutting Contest is the best stage for tap dancers to compete. Dance Works conducts the first Cutting Contest in 2012 Taipei Tap Festival.

Come to challenge and win back the big prize worth over TWD 10,000 on 26th Aug. Started from 6PM at Dance Works studio 112.

*Winner will get So Danca professional tap shoe with red heart (market price worth $9,000) plus the total amount of entrance fee ($100/ppl)

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