2004年五月的dance spirit magazine傑森分享了10個踢踏的秘訣!
已經過七個年頭,有沒有人還繼續堅持這10個Tap Tips呢?

1. Go to class!(去上課!)

2. Don't let your ego ruin you learning experience. Don't think you're too big to learn from someone else.(別讓自尊心阻礙了你的學習,千萬別覺得年紀太長而不敢向別人學習。)

3. Never stop learning.(絕對不要停止學習。)

4. Practice!(練習!)

5. Create festivals.(舉辦踢踏嘉年華。)

6. Create your own jam. Create places for dance to exist.(創造自己即興的機會,為跳舞創造生存的空間。)

7. Study up on the older masters. Do an internet search and see what you can find out about these dancers: Jeni LeGon, Teddy Hale, Sandman Sims, Bill Robinson, Ann Miller, Alfred DeSio, Buster Brown, Groundhog, Eleanor Powell, Arthur Duncan and Lon Chaney.(向經典大師、前輩們學習,上網搜尋看看能從這些大師身上學習到什麼。)

8. Encourage the media to provide more coverage of tap and tap dancers. If you don't see it, write something yourself.(鼓勵大眾媒體多提供踢踏舞或舞者相關新聞報導。如果都沒在媒體看到的話,不如動手寫下自己的踢踏經驗。)

9. If you get criticism, turn it around by working on your weak points. Soon what you were criticized for will be your strong point.(如果你受到批評,將它轉換成找出及磨練弱點的動力。很快的,你的弱點將會變成強項!)

10. Talk up tap events to your friends. Support the artform!(將踢踏活動告訴你的朋友們,支持踢踏表演藝術!)
